Siska Slow Coffee Collection
Coffee set. Prototypes 2012 and 2013.
The Siska French Press was the first bud in this collection. It was first shown at the Food Work exhibition at Tokyo Design Tide 2012. During the spring of 2013, the Siska Coffee Grinder was born, and shown at the exhibition On Time with Klubben in Oslo and Paris. The rest of the Siska collection was shown for the first time at the 100% Norway exhibition during London Design Festival 2013.
The Siska collection is not made for people who demand efficiency, but for people who appreciate quality; you buy your coffee beans at the local roster, ground them yourself, and have all the time in the world tying the leather lace around the pot, waiting for the water to boil.
The collection consists of; coffee bean container, coffee grinder, french press coffee maker, cups, sugar bowl, milk jug and candy dish.
Photo credits: Ellen Johanne Jarli / Kaja Bruskeland